SEELEY – At Lake Placid July 31, of heart trouble, Halsey Seeley, son of Mrs. Frank Seeley of Wilmington. Funeral was held at Wilmington and conducted by Rev. F.R. Tarling. The deceased is survived by a mother, wife and three children.
Published in The Adirondack Record, Au Sable Forks, N.Y., Friday August 10, 1917

Eats Dinner as Usual on Tuesday, Talks About Red Cross and is Dead at 1 O’clock
Was Caretaker at Hopkins School and in Employ of W.A.C. Drescher – Here 18 Years
Halsey V. Seeley, a resident of Lake Placid for the past 18 years, dropped dead at his home on Main street last Tuesday about 12:45 P.M. The cause of death was given as acute heart trouble. He was 39 years of age and is survived by his wife and three small children, Myron Eugene Seely, Jr., four years old, Helen Frances, two years old, and Hilda, two months old, also by his mother, Mrs. Herbert Seeley, and one brother, Myron, all of Lake Placid.
Mr. Seeley, who has been caretaker at the Hopkins School during the past three summers and has worked about that place and also about the camp of W.A.C. Drescher of Placid lake for a number of years, had been fully as well as usual up to the time of his death. On the preceding day, he had worked out in the sun for sometime without any covering on his head, but had not complained of feeling any bad effects afterwards. Some years ago, Some years ago, he had been treated for his heart, but had had no trouble with it recently and had supposed it was all right. Monday night, he walked back to the school, after working there all day.
Last Words Were About Red Cross
On the day of his death, Mr. Seeley came home from work about 11:30 in the morning, went to the postoffice and got his mail, then returned home and smoked part of a cigar before dinner. He are as usual at noon, then returned to the front room to finish his cigar. His wife went in to read him a letter which concerned the Red Cross, and they talked for a few minutes about the work, in which Mr. Seeley had always been much interested. Shortly after Mrs. Seeley left the room, Mr. Seeley’s mother, who lives with the family, heard a strange noise in the front room and rushed in just in time to see her son falling over unconscious. She at once called to her son’s wife to “come quick, something is the matter with Halsey!”
Died in Wife’s Arms
Mrs. Seeley, Jr., hurried to the room at once and took her husband’s hear in her arms. Dr. M.E. Proctor and Dr. F.J. d’Avignon were immediately summoned, but the afflicted many only lived a few moments, breathing his last before either of the medical men arrived, and without regaining consciousness.
Halsey V. Seeley was born January 13, 1878 in the town of Black Brook, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Seeley. His early education was obtained in the schools of Black Brook and Wilmington. At the age of 21 years he came to Lake Placid and has since made his home here. Six years ago, he was married to Anna E. Kingston of Lawrenceville, who survives him. He was a hard worker, a good husband and father.
Funeral in Wilmington
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Wilmington yesterday afternoon preceded by prayer at the house here at 2 o’clock. Rev. Tarling of Jay officiated, assisted by Rev. W.M. Morrow of this place. The bearers were Charlie Taylor, Elbridge Taylor, Will Richardson, Howard Marshall, Earl Taylor and L.E. Bacon. There were a large number of floral tributes. Burial took place in the family lot in the cemetery at Hazelton.
Published in the Lake Placid News, Friday, August 3, 1917
[Grandson of SGS #2867 - Halsey; Herbert; Myron S. (#2867); Bradley Demington (#1144); Seth Clarke/Clark; Seth; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]