Harry Seeley, 75, of 215 Liberty street, Penn Yan, died in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1952, at about 1:30 in the morning. He was stricken with a heart attack in Lane’s Lunchroom late Tuesday night and passed away with an hour after being taken to the hospital.
He was born Nov. 24, 1877 in the Town of Milo, son of the late George and Cora Rapalee Seeley.
Mr. Seeley had been a photographer for over 50 years and much of the time was in business in Penn Yan. When he lived at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. George F. Seeley, corner of Liberty and Wegener streets, 53 years ago, he had a studio in the Lawn block.
After about five years he went to Rochester for two years and from there to Pittsburgh, Pa., and Toledo, Ohio. In the last two cities he was associated as an operator with the nationally known photographic firm of Backrack and with A. Faulk Jepson of New York city and John Richard Russell of Chicago.
He returned to Penn Yan after some 15 years and for a time operated a studio in his home on Liberty street. One of his cherished possessions was a fine portrait study he had made of Susan B. Anthony in Rochester in 1905.
Mr. Seeley operated a studio in the Elmwood theatre building for several years until he retired from active work over a year ago. He was an ardent bowler and always took a great interest in that game as well as other sports even when his own participation had to be limited.
He is survived by one brother, Frank Seeley of Canandaigua, former Penn Yan clothing merchant, and a cousin, Eva Sisson of Penn Yan.
Funeral services were held from the Weldon Funeral home on Saturday afternoon, with the Rev. David Matlack, rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal church officiating. The body was placed in Lake View cemetery vault with burial scheduled later.
Published in the Chronicle-Express (Penn Yan, NY), January 8, 1953, page 20

Harry Seeley, 75, of 213 Liberty St., Penn Yan, brother of Frank J. Seeley, prominent Canandaigua businessman, died Wednesday (December 31, 1952) at Soldiers and Sailors Hospital in Penn Yan.
Mr. Seeley had been a well known Penn Yan photographer for many years and retired from business a year ago.
The body is at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan, where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow. The Rev. David Matlack will officiate and burial will be in Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan.
Published in The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, NY), January 2, 1953, page 3
[Grandson of SGS # 3897 – Harry; George F.; Peter Johnson (# 3897); Charles (# 1763); John; John; Ebenezer; Jonas; Obadiah]