Death Claims Harry E. Seeley
Veteran Railway Station Agent at Greeley. Death Occurred at the Home of His Daughter
Harry E. Seeley, 67, of Greeley, veteran railroad station agent and telegrapher, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hazel Ainsworth, 1301 Oakland avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, Saturday at 5:30 p.m. after a month’s illness.
Mr. Seeley was born August 15, 1865, at Sommersville, Ohio, and came to Oxford Junction as a boy. He started his railroad career as a youth of 17 when he spent two years working with his father, a railroad lineman. Since that time he had been station agent for the Milwaukee at San Spring, Arlington, Hawkeye and Greeley.
He was a member of the Knights of Pythias at Manchester, I.O.O.F. at Greeley, the I.O.O.F. Encampment at Manchester, the Order of Railway Telegraphers, and had been a member of the Methodist church at Oxford Junction since he was a boy. Mrs. Seeley died seven months ago.
Mr. Seeley is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Ainsworth of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Dorothy Rawson of Chicago; and Mrs. Bessie Gage of Greeley: two sons, Frank Seeley of Mason City; and George Seeley of Cedar Rapids; and fifteen grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Greeley Monday afternoon at two o’clock. The remains were laid to rest in the Greeley cemetery and the services at the graveside were under the auspices of the Manchester Knights of Pythias loadge of which he ad been a member.
Undated obit from an unknown paper, donated to SGS by William Strathman
[Son of SGS #2150 - Harry; Erwin (#2150) ; Austin H. (#742); Ajacks; Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]