Herbert Seeley died in the General hospital, Madison, Friday night from the result of an auto accident two weeks ago. He leaves his father, Isaac Seeley, a wife and daughter, and a sister, Mrs. Cleveland of Madison. The services were held Monday afternoon from his late home. Rev. Saunders officiated.
Published in the Capital Times, (Madison, WI) Wednesday November 15, 1922 page 10
Man Has Arm, Ribs Broken In Car Crash
Oregon Farmer Badly Hurt in Smashup Here on Thursday
Herbert Seeley, 52, a farmer living near Oregon, was rushed to the Madison General hospital at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon suffering from a broken arm, broken ribs, and dislocated shoulder, received when the car in which he was driving collided with a car driven by W. Hoover, Duluth, Minn., at Regent and Spooner sts, yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Seeley was thrown from his car to the pavement when his machine was struck from the side by Mr. Hoover’s car. Mr. Seeley was taken to the hospital in the city ambulance.
Published in the Capital Times, October 27, 1922
[Grandson of SGS # 3664 - Herbert; Isaac Brewster; Francis Tuttle (#3664); Isaac Brewster (#1660); Bazaleel; Bazaleel; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]