H.L. Seeley Funeral To Be Tomorrow
NORWICH – H. Lamont Seeley, 70, of Norwich RD 3, former general superintendent of the Norwich Wire Works, died in Sidney hospital Tuesday night.
Born in Oxford, he was a member of First Baptist Church here. His first wife, Libbie Topping Seeley, died several years ago, and in 1945 Mr. Seeley was united in marriage with Helen Doolittle.
Mr. Seeley was a member of the Harmony chapter, RAM, a past master of Norwich lodge, F and AM, and a past patron of the Norwich chapter, OES.
At the time of his death, he was serving as chairman of the board of fire commissioners of the North Norwich fire district, and was a North Norwich town assessor.
Surviving besides his wife are a brother, Cleon J. Seeley, of Chenango Forks, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be at the Fahy Funeral Home tomorrow at 2 P.M., the Rev. Donald N. Tubbs, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Hount Hope Cemetery. Masonic services will be at the funeral home at 8:30 tonight.
Published in the Syracuse Herald Journal, Thursday, December 30, 1954, page 2