CASTLE DALE – HYRUM Seeley, 56, one of eastern Utah’s major sheep raisers, died at his home Thursday morning following a heart attack.
Born in Castle Dale, October 5, 1882, the son of Justus Wellington and Mrs. Anna Eliza Reynolds Seeley. Mr. Seeley had been a life-long resident of this area.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Maggie Marie Larson Seeley; a son, Carl H. Seeley of Greenriver: two daughters, Mrs. Helen Dahle of Midvale and Mrs. Belle Tatton of Castle Dale; six grandchildren, his stepmother, Mrs. Mary J. Seeley of Castle Dale, and the following brothers and sisters: Joseph Seeley of Greenriver, Karl A. and Frank Seeley, Mrs. Jennie Greaves and Mary J. Seeley of Castle Dale: Mrs. Clara Hansen of Roosevelt; Mrs. Nora Lamph of Conlville; Mrs. Stella Allen of Rupert, Idaho: Mrs. Dora Otterstrom of Castlegate, and Mrs. Etta Ralph of Clawson.
Published in The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday August 11, 1939 page 14