Funeral services for Miss Ida Mae Seeley, 57, a former Springfield resident will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the First Church of God with the Rev. C.E. Byers, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Glen Haven Memorial Park.
Miss Seeley died Wednesday in her home in Phoenix, Ariz., following five years of failing health. She had moved to Arizona three years ago because of her health. A sister, Miss Carrie Seeley of Springfield, went to Arizona a year ago to care for her.
A daughter of I.V. Seeley and Effie Bodley Seeley, she was born Oct. 10, 1893, in Fayette, Fulton County, O. Miss Seeley moved to Springfield in 1919. She was a member of the First Church of God here.
Surviving besides the sister, Carrie Seeley, are two other sisters, Mrs. Altha Ratcliff of Springfield and Mrs. Herma Quinn of Anderson, Ind.; three brothers, Perley of Bellefontaine, Lester of Springfield and Stanley of Grove City; a half-sister, Mrs. Ivah Mack of Morenci, Mich., and a number of nieces and nephews.
The body will arrive in Springfield late Friday and will be taken to the Jackson-Lytle funeral home where friends may call after 8 p.m. Friday until 1 p.m. Saturday when the body will lie in state in the First Church of God.
Published in the Springfield Daily News, Friday, November 17, 1950, page 30

SEELEY – Miss Ida Mae Seeley, 57, former Springfield resident, died Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1950 in home in Phoenix, Ariz. Body to Jackson-Lytle funeral home where friends may call from 8 p.m. Friday until 1 p.m. Saturday when body will lie in state in First Church of God. Services 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the church. Rev. C.E. Byers in charge. Burial Glen Haven Memorial Park.
Published in the Springfield News-Sun, November 17, 1950 Page 26
[Granddaughter of SGS #2386 – Ida Mae; Isaac Vail; John Vail (#2386); Ira Bromley (#867); Jonathan; Ephraim; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]