Mrs. Ida Seeley, Hillsdale, Dies
(Special to The Citizen Press)
Hillsdale, Mich., July 13, -- Mrs. Ida Seeley, widow of Henry Seeley, died Thursday at her home on Manning street from paralysis. Mrs. Seeley was 60 years old. She came here three years ago from Pittsford where she had lived several years. She leaves a daughter, Miss Nina Seeley. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at the Wesleyan Methodist church in Wright township and burial will be in the Waldron cemetery beside the husband.
Published in the Jackson Citizen Press, July 13, 1917 page 2
[Wife of son of SGS #2159 - Henry G.; William (#2159); Austin (#756); David; Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]