Ira F. Seeley Dies in City Hospital
Ira F. Seeley, seventy-three, 24 Orchard street, died this morning in the Salamanca City hospital after a short illness. Born in Wellsville, he had lived in Bradford and in this city the past thirty years. Mr. Seeley had been an engine dispatcher for the former B.R. & P. railroad company and the Baltimore & Ohio many years. He had retired about seven years ago.
He was a member of St. Mary’s church; Salamanca Lodge No. 1025, B.P.O. Elks, and Lodge No. 501, I.O.O.F.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nora Seeley, 24 Orchard street; two daughters, Mrs. Floyd Knight, Bradford, and Mrs. Harry Hanna, Miami, Fla.; a son, Harry Seeley, Wellsville, and a brother Emmett Seeley, Bradford. Four grandchildren and a niece and nephew also survive.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon from the family home at 2 o’clock and from St. Mary’s church at 2:30 o’clock. The Rev. E.T. Pancoast, rector of St. Mary’s, will officiate. Burial will be in the family plot in the Wildwood cemetery.
Published in the Salamanca Republican-Press (Salamanca, NY), May 28, 1945, page 2
Funeral of Ira F. Seeley
Funeral services for Ira F. Seeley were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the family home, 24 Orchard street, and at 2:30 o’clock from St. Mary’s church. The Rev. E. T. Pancoast officiated. Burial was in the family plot in Wildwood cemetery.
Bearers were Arthur Carpenter, Frank Pavlock, Phillip Pavlock, Henry Lloyd, Frank Myles and Steven Green.
Friends and relatives from away attending included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seeley and Frederick Seeley, Wellsville; Mrs. Josephine Zook, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Knight, Miss Audrey Knight, Emmett Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. John Seeley, Mrs. Helen Thomas, John and Mary Jane Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Shoup and Jackie Shoup, Bradford; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Downs, Deanne Downs, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Long, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Olive Borsan, Mrs. Elva Crockett, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. George Aldrich, Little Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Orva Long, Mrs. Harry Little, Mrs. Charles Stewart, Holmer City, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Corbin, Carrollton.
Published in the Salamanca Republican-Press (Salamanca, NY), Friday, June 1, 1945, page 5
[Son of SGS # 2656 –Ira F.; Marion (# 2656); Henry Cornelius (#960); Nathaniel; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]