Ira M. Corwin received a telegram, today announcing the sudden death in New York, at 1 o’clock, this morning of Ira G. Seeley, formerly of this city.
He was a native of Chester and was about 1870 in the boot and shoe business in this city in partnership with Henry L. Adams, the firm being Duryea, Seeley & Co. He then went to New York and for many years was a salesman with Teffit, Weller & Co.
He married Eugenia, daughter of the late James M. Matthews, who survives him. He was an honorary member of Excelsior Hook and Ladder company.
Mr. Seeley’s health began to fail several years ago and last summer he spent several months in this city in the hope that the change would benefit him.
The funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
Published in the Middletown Daily Argus, Friday, May 6, 1898, page 5
Tribute Adopted by Excelsior H. and L. Co. on the Death of Ira G. Seeley
In the death of Ira G. Seeley, the honorary members of Excelsior Hook and Ladder Company have brought to their attention the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death.
Mr. Seeley came to Middletown a young man and entered into business life. He joined the Excelsiors, served his time faithfully as an active fireman; his service was recognized in a vote of confidence transferring him to the honorary list. He removed to another field of labor, but he always cherished the memories of our organization, and he always recalled it with pride and admiration. To belong to such an organization where there is such a feeling existing through a lifetime is worthy of mention. We all entertain the same feelings, and it is fitting that his old associates should tenderly deposit his remains in mother earth, and mingle their tears and sympathy with his bereaved kindred. And it is due to his memory that we offer this tribute to his fidelity and faithfulness.
C.J. Boyd, H.L. Adams, J.W. Sloat
Published in the Middletown Daily Argus, (Middletown, NY) Wednesday, June 8, 1898, page 3
[Son of SGS # 3891 - Ira Gardner; Gabriel (#3891); Thaddeus (#1759); Thaddeus; Thaddeus; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]