Sergeant Major Jack J. Seeley, USA (ret), died February 18, 2009 of lung cancer at age 81.
A native of St. Louis, Mo, he grew up in Homewood, Ill, and had many career assignments that included Cheyenne Mountain, Munich, Vienna, and Pleiku. The Auburn area had been his home for the past 30 years.
He is survived by his wife Benalyn; daughter, Karen; and father-in-law, Ben Slater, all of Auburn; also by son, 1SG Kevin Seeley; daughter-in-law, Kimberly; and grandson, Carson, all of Kadena AB, Okinawa; and grandson Ryan, of Chester, Va.
No service will be held at this time, but a future memorial will be announced. Donations may be made to the USO, PO Box 96860, Washington D.C., 20077-7677.
Arrangements by Sierra Foothills Funeral Services.
Published in the Gold Country Media Newspapers on 2/22/2009