Death of James Sylvester Seeley
The announcement Sunday morning of the death of James S. Seely was received with a shock by the citizens of Greeley and vicinity, as he was a man of good moral character and highly esteemed by all.
Mr. Seeley was born in Rome, PA., Oct 30, 1841. He was a member of Union Colony and came to Greeley in May 1870. He located on a fine ranch convenient to the site of the present lake bearing his name, which he cultivated and where he resided up to his death. For years he has been a sufferer from kidney trouble, which ultimately produced death; but the immediate cause was dysentery, from which he suffered a couple of weeks.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, under the auspices of Occidental Lodge, No 20, A.F. & A.M., from the Methodist Church, the Rev. B. T. Vincent, officiating, and the interment was at Linn Grove.
His wife, daughter May, step-daughter, Mrs. Robert Graham, and adopted son, George Seely, survive him; also has brothers, Silas E, of Fort Smith, Ark., William H., of Oakwood, Mich; Charles E., of Loveland, Colo.; and Isaac J., of Nichols., N.Y.; and sisters Mrs. Jane A Harmon, of Waiton, N.Y.; and Mrs. Mary R. Brown of Sheshequin, Pa.
Published in the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Weld County); September 21, 1899 Page 8