Mrs. Jennie Seeley, of Windfall, Passed Away Saturday
Following the birth of a babe Friday, Mrs. Jennie Hendricks Seeley, 37 years of age, died at her home in Windfall shortly after 2 a.m. Saturday, leaving motherless five children, all at home who, with the husband, Fred Seeley, of Windfall, mourn the loss of this good woman.
Mrs. Seeley gave birth to an infant Friday which died, the little one being interred in the Windfall cemetery Friday evening and it was seen that the mother was in a dangerous condition. Four physicians worked heroically with the patient all Friday night, but their efforts were in vain, the end coming shortly after 2 a.m. Saturday.
The husband, Fred Seeley, is the well known blacksmith at Windfall, and the surviving children are Zella, Mary, Merle, Hubert, Nancy and Margaret. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Seeley died in infancy.
The death of this young mother was a sad one and cast a gloom over the community and the sympathy of all goes out to the husband and the little ones made motherless.
Jennie Henrick Seeley was born near Phlox 37 years ago, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Hendricks of that neighborhood, she being one of a family of seven children, six of whom survive. Nineteen years ago she was united in marriage to Fred Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Seeley, and she and her husband went to housekeeping at Windfall, where they have since resided. The family is related to B.F. Vice, of Tipton. Funeral arrangements have not been completed at this time.
Published in the Tipton Tribune, (Tipton, Indiana), Saturday August 23, 1924 front page

About two o’clock Saturday morning, Mrs. Jennie Seeley, wife of Fred Seeley, passed away at her home in Windfall, following the birth Friday of a stillborn baby boy. The death of Mrs. Seeley is especially a sad one, as it leaves surviving the husband and five children, the youngest about two years of age. Mrs. Seeley was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Hendrick. After the death of her mother, she assumed the care of the house and of the family of children. Her married life was lived in Windfall and she is known as a kind and loving wife and mother, a good neighbor and her death was lamented by the community, and the many beautiful floral offerings was a token of the sympathy expressed by friends and neighbors. Mrs. Seeley was thirty-seven years of age. She was a member of the Windfall Baptist church, the funeral service being held there Monday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. Leo Noland. Burial in Brookside cemetery. Mrs. Seeley is survived by the husband, five children, Zella, Merle, Marie, Hubert and Nancy Margaret; also brothers and sisters and other relatives.
Published in the Kokomo Tribune, (Kokomo, Indiana) Saturday August 30, 1924, page 6