Resident of This County Most of His Life – Funeral Saturday Morning
Jesse W. Seeley died this morning at the home of his niece, Mrs. Marguerite Lanning Walker, South Roberts road, after a short illness. He was born at Irving 70 years ago and had resided in this vicinity and Syracuse all his life.
He is survived by a son, Harold Jesse Seeley of Washington D.C. ; three nieces, Mrs. Marguerite Lanning Walker and Mrs. Lillian Lanning Harling of Dunkirk and Mrs. Marianne Birkmire King of Syracuse; four nephews, Ona and Alfred Mulkin of Dunkirk, Jesse Mulkin of Irving and John A. Birkmire of Syracuse.
The body is at Blood and Larson’s funeral home where friends may call and where the funeral will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. burial in Rock Creek cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Published in the Dunkirk Evening Observer (Dunkirk, NY), Wednesday, June 15, 1938, page 11
Services for Jesse W. Seeley, who died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Marguerite Lanning Walker, Roberts road, was held this morning at Blood and Larson’s funeral home, the Rev. C.G. Farr of Ripley officiating.
The body will be taken to Washington, D.C., leaving this evening at 7:30 o’clock for burial in the family plot in Rock Creek cemetery.
Published in the Dunkirk Evening Observer, June 18, 1938, page 11
[Jesse William; Harold Jesse; Jasper William; William Alexander; Samuel B.; Unknown]