John Levi Seeley was born in Laradon County Ohio, on Feb. 28, 1844. Died at his home near Tryon, Nebr., March 31, 1910 aged 66 years, 1 month and 3 days. He was married to Miss Amanda Philmalee at Wauzeka, Wis., on April 22, 1866. To this union were born nine children, seven sons and two daughters. His wife and five sons survive him. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. POrter of the M. E. church of North Platte on April 2nd and the remains were laid to rest in the Ellis cemetery.
Farewell dear father, sweet thy rest
Weary with years and worn with pain,
Farewell, till in some happy place,
We shall behold thy face again.
'Tis ours to miss thee, all our years
And tender memories of thee keep;
Thine is the Lord to rest, for so
He giveth his beloved sleep.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our many friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father.
Mrs. J.L. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Seeley
Clarence Seeley
Published in an unidentified, undated obituary contributed by Bobbie Mayfield in the NE Genealogy Forum
[Grandson of SGS # 3439) John Levi; Joseph Willis; Cornelius (#3439); Daniel (#1554); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]