Seeley – September 6, 1912, in this city, John M. Seeley, aged 81 years, 9 months, 14 days.
Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock from his late residence, 26 Houston avenue. Interment in family plot Hillside cemetery. Obituary will appear later.
Published in the Middletown Daily Times-Press (Middletown, NY), September 6, 1912, page 7

John M. Seeley
John M. Seeley, an aged resident of this city, died at his home, 26 Houston avenue, after an illness of two weeks at the age of 81 years, 9 moths and 14 days;.
Mr. Seeley was born at Fallsburg, N.Y., on November 22, 1830, the son of Oliver and Harriet Seeley. He was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Braden, daughter of William and Jane Braden of Greenfield, Ulster county, the ceremony taking place on March 24, 1850, and being performed by the Rev. John L. Davey, pastor of the Methodist Church of Fallsburg.
After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Seeley first made their home at Fallsburg, but later removed to Illinois and from there to Pennsylvania, finally reaching this city, where they have since resided.
Mr. Seeley was among the first in this city to work in the O. & W. shops, and continued his labors there for a number of years, until forced to give up by reason of bodily infirmities. He was also employed for several years on the Susquehanna & Western.
For several years past, both Mr. and Mrs. Seeley have been afflicted with rheumatism, and during this time, they have been faithfully and lovingly cared for by their only child Mrs. T.D. Schoonmaker, of Goshen. A son, Oliver Seeley of Wortondyke, N.J., died on March 9, 1878, leaving a widow and two sons, of whom one, John Oliver Seeley, survives.
Mr. Seeley was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of this city, and of Monticello Lodge, No. 587, F. & A.M., of Monticello.
The funeral services will be held at the late residence, on Monday afternoon, Sept. 9, at 2 p.m., and the interment will be in the family plot in Hillside Cemetery.
Published in the Middletown Daily Times-Press (Middletown, NY), September 7, 1912, page 2

The funeral of John M. Seeley was held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the late home, 26 Houston avenue, and was largely attended. The services were conducted by the Rev. Thomas R. Wallace, D.D., pastor of St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal Church, and there were a number of floral offerings.
A delegation of the members of Hoffman Lodge, No. 512, F. & A. M., attended the services, and acted as pallbearers at the interment which took place in Hillside Cemetery in the family plot.
Published in the Middletown Daily Times-Press, September 9, 1912, page 3
[Son of SGS # 2273 - John Medlar; Oliver (# 2273); Abner (# 816); Abner, Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]