Jonas Seeley Dies at Ripe Old Age
The death of Jonas Seeley of Waymart, Wayne County, which occurred Monday evening at Parsons following a sudden attack of pneumonia has been the source of a genuine regret among his circle of friends. Deceased was 89 years old and a lifelong resident of Wayne County, where he was well known and highly respected. Surviving are four children, Mrs Della Gray, Parsons, Seldon Seeley of this city, Mrs Aldrude Shager and Mrs Levin Shager of Herrick Center, also four brothers, eight grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren. Burial was made in South Canaan cemetery yesterday after services at 1:30 o'clock.
Published in the Carbondale Leader (Pennsylvania) - Friday, November 26, 1920, Page 6
[SGS #3483 – Jonas (#3483); Isaac D. (#1584); Samuel; John; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]