Child Dies In Fire
ITHACA, N.Y. – Six-year-old Joseph Seeley was burned to death today when fire destroyed his farm home at Dandy, a few miles south of here.
Published in the Olean Times Herald (Olean, NY), June 23, 1948, page 6

Boy Dies in Fire
Ithaca, N.Y. June 23 (AP) – A six year old boy burned to death today in a fire which destroyed a farmhouse seven miles south of here. The victim, Joseph Seeley, was discovered by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seeley of West Danby, crouched beneath a bed. Efforts to get the boy our proved fruitless. The parents saved their three other children, Raymond, Jr., nine; Jack, four, and Renee, nine months old. None was injured. Seeley said he was milking cows in the barn when he noticed flames shooting from the roof the house above the kitchen.
Published in The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY), June 23, 1948, page 15