Judson D. Seely
Judson D. Seely, aged 78 years a lifelong and highly respected resident of Osceola, died September 7, 1929. He had been in poor health for many months and while his death was not unexpected, it came as a great shock to his family and many friends.
Mr. Seely was born at Osceola on May 21, 1851, the second of three children born to Allen and Mary Ann Campbell Seely. Early in life he became a member of the Methodist church and served for many years as a member of its official board. He was one of the outstanding men of the community and was widely known for his uprightness of character and true devotion to his family and friends. Upon the death of his father, who was assessor, Mr. Seely was elected to this office, and continued to be chosen assessor until failing health compelled him to resign.
Mr. Seeley is survived by his widow and two sons, Samuel A. Seely, of Osceola and Lee M. Seely; six grandchildren, one brother, Mark B. Seely, of Nelson, and one sister, Mrs. Ada Seely Crandall.
The funeral was held Tuesday. Interment in Fairview cemetery at Osceola.
Published in The Wellsboro Agitator, (Wellsboro, PA) Wednesday, September 18, 1929 page 8
NOTE: Seely/Seeley as printed
[Son of SGS # 3733 - Judson Delos; Allen(#3733); Nathaniel (#1701); Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Ebenezer-, Jonas; Obadiah]