HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, Ark. - Kenneth M. Seeley passed away March 3, 2011, in Hot Springs Village, Ark. He was 71.
Ken was born to Merrick and Ingrid (Pada) Seeley.
After graduation, Ken spent 12 years in the Air Force - at one time as a flight engineer on Air Force One. After serving, Ken became vice president of marketing for "Avial Enterprises" of Dallas, Texas.
He was an active member of the American Legion, was Rotary Club president, and sponsored the building of the Vet's Memorial Park in Hot Springs Village.
Ken is survived by his wife, the former Camillia "Jill" Peterson; sons, Scott of Hot Springs Village and Greg of Benton, Texas; sisters, Marilyn (Richard) Stade, Diane (Seeley) Oliver; grandson, Merrick Seeley; and granddaughter, Amanda Seeley.
A memorial will be held this summer to honor Ken.
Published in the Daily Press, (Escanaba, MI) March 8, 2011

Kenneth M. Seeley, of Hot Springs Village, Ark., died on Thursday, March 3, 2011.
He was born Jan. 3, 1940, and was raised in Gladstone, Mich.
Mr. Seeley served in the U.S. Air Force for 12 years, in the field of aviation.
He is survived by Jill Seeley, his loving wife of nearly 52 years; two sons: Scott Seeley, of Hot Springs Village; and Greg Seeley, of Denton, Texas; grandchildren: Amanda Seeley, Arkadelphia, Ark.; Merrick Seeley, Denton, Texas; Kelli Clower, Blayne and Amree Clower, all of Canton, Texas; and two sisters: Marilyn Stade and Diane Oliver, both of Gladstone.
After moving to Hot Springs Village 15 years ago, Mr. Seeley became active in service clubs, including the American Legion. He was a member and served as president of HSV Rotary.
He submitted the winning design for the Hot Springs Village Veterans Memorial. He supervised the memorial’s construction and design of the eagle and globe.
Mr. Seeley also supervised and assisted in the installation of more than 3,000 memorial bricks that commemorate current or previous service of American military personnel.
A memorial service will be held at Village United Methodist at 2 p.m. on Friday, March 11, 2011, with Rev. Norm Carter officiating.
Published in the Hot Springs Village Voice on March 9, 2011