Liberty J. Seeley Died At His Home in Liberty Township
Liberty J. Seeley, one of the best known farmers in the eastern part of the county, a veteran of the Civil war, passed away at his home in Liberty township, one mile south of Meltzerville, at 2:15 a.m. Monday, April 21, 1913, of hardening of the arteries.
He was born the 24th day of January, 1837, making his age seventy-six years, two months and twenty-eight days. He was born on the farm where he died, his father having entered this land and it has always been in the Seeley family. He was married to Margaret E. Newton in 1863. Unto this union five children were born. Beside the widow, one son and three daughters survive; Melvin D., of Rush county; Mrs. Florence E. Midkiff and Mrs. Ethel L. Fox, of Liberty township, and Mrs. Anna May Fox, of Shelby township. All the family were at the beside at the time of death excepting Mrs. Anna May Fox.
He served as a private in Company C., 67th Indiana Volunteers, under the late Capt. Wines.
Mr. Seeley has been in failing health for about two years, but was taken seriously ill about three weeks ago. He is the last of a family of four children, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Seeley.
Funeral services will be held in the home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, 1913, the Rev. O. J. McMullen officiating. The interment will take place in the cemetery at Blue Ridge. The funeral arrangements are in charge of Marshall G. Tindall.
Published in The Shelbyville Republican, Monday, April 21, 1913, page 2, column 1