Resolution of Respect
Resolutions of respect on the death of Mrs. Louisa Seeley, who died June 4, 1907:
Entered into rest, that blessed country into which no enemy enters and from which no friend passes away. The members of Steuben Grange, No. 858, desiring to record their appreciation of the character of their sister and friend; and
Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from this world the soul of our deceased sister and fellow worker; there be it
Resolved, That while we recognize the duty of submission to a loving Father’s will, yet we deeply feel that we have been called upon to part with one who was a faithful member of our order.
Resolved, That her character was worthy of our emulation in purity of character and life charity and patience in bodily suffering.
Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with Brother Seeley and family.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family and also be placed on the minutes of our order.
Resolved. That our charter be draped for sixty days.
Wm. R. King
Nancy Winans
Julia Kelly
Published in The Titusville Morning Herald, Saturday, June 29. 1907