Lucina E. Seeley
The Church militant lost greatly and the Church triumphant gained proportionately in the death of Lucina E. Seeley, of Palmyra, N.Y., August 26, 1903. Had she lived till October 19 she would have passed seventy-five years in this life. Being converted early in her youth the most of these years were spent in attaining the high state of maturity of grace which made her saintly in spirit and life. Among her personal papers were found after her death a tract upon which she had written “Gave myself wholly to the Lord – 1869.” It was evident to those who knew her that she never took the gift from the altar. The result was a most beautiful and useful Christian experience and life. All of her pastors and those touched by her can bear testimony to the inspiration she gave and the blessed influence she exerted. Her parents being Baptists, when converted she joined that church. But her husband being a Methodist, on marrying and moving to Palmyra, she united with the Methodist Episcopal church, of which for more than fifty years she was a devoted and faithful member.
Sister Seeley was the fourth of five daughters born to Deacon and Anna Potter, of Williamson, N.Y. There she resided until married to Calvin Seeley, of Palmyra, N.Y., March 14, 1851. At her death she left to mourn their loss her husband, a daughter, Mrs. C.F. Griswold, of Palmyra, N.Y., and two sisters, Mrs. N.S. Eddy, of Williamson, N.Y., and Mrs. C.G. Moody, of Evanston, Ill. Both of the latter have since followed her to the better land.
Many are they that rise up and call her blessed.
W.H. GILES Penn Yan, N.Y.
Published in the Northern Christian Advocate, September 22, 1904 (Not a typo)
[Wife of son of SGS #2901 - Calvin; Munson/Munson (#2091); Abner (#652); Nathan; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]