Lydia Crandall Seeley entered into rest at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Frank Torrey, Titusville, Pa., April 26, 1905, aged eighty-one years. She was born July 3, 1824, in Osceola, Pa., where she spent all by the last sic years of her life. Converted in early life, she joined the Methodist Episcopal church in the place of her birth and continued a consistent and devoted member until her departure to be with God. In 1847 she married Henry Seeley, of Osceola, and was always a patient, helpful, loving wife. The Master’s spirit was manifested in her daily life and the Divine favor rested upon her. Her life was marked by devotion, earnestness and fervor. Always in her place, her faithfulness was an example to others. Her interest in the Church of her choice continued unto the end. She was quiet and unassuming in manner, and will be greatly missed by those whose privilege it was to be personally acquainted with her. Seventeen years ago her husband passed beyond mortal vision, since which time she was resided chiefly with her daughter, at whose home she passed away.
Taken with cerebral hemorrhage, April 8th, a second attack quickly followed. After this she seemed to improve until April 25th, when another attack came, from the effects of which she died on the morning of April 28, full of faith and good works. She leaves behind to mourn their loss, an aged brother, living in Chicago, and three daughters, two of them living in Oregon. She was buried in the village cemetery in Osceola, Pa., beside her husband, and awaits the summons to the first resurrection.
Published in the Northern Christian Advocate, September 28, 1905

Funeral Services Held at Residence Wednesday Afternoon
Brief funeral services in memory of Mrs. Lydia Crandall Seeley, mother of Mrs. F.C. Torrey, were held at the residence, North Monroe street, Wednesday afternoon. This morning the body will be taken to Osceola, Pa., her childhood home for burial. The members of the family will constitute the funeral party.
Mrs. Seeley was born at Osceola on July 3, 1824, and spent the greater part of her life there. She became a member of the Torrey family ten years ago and has resided here since Mr. Torrey opened a store on Diamond street in 1903. She was a member of the Methodist church, a devout Christian woman, beloved by her family and all so fortunate as to make her acquaintance. Two weeks ago she suffered a stroke of apoplexy. She rallied and appeared to be doing nicely until Tuesday night, when she sustained a second stroke. She lived but a few hours afterward.
Published in the Titusville Herald, April 27, 1905
[Wife of SGS #3731 – Henry (#3731); Nathaniel (#1701); Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Ebenezer-, Jonas; Obadiah]