Mrs. Seeley Was Loved and Respected By a Wide Circle of Relatives and Friends
Again the angel of death has visited our midst and this time Mrs. Harry Seeley was the one called. Mrs. Seeley had been in failing health for some time but was confined to her home but a few days. She was a great sufferer until Sunday afternoon when she was called to the Eternal home. Home was her one great ambition. Her family came first above everything else, always denying self for the comfort of her loved ones. No task was too great for her to share and always there was time to help with the babies that the others might enjoy some entertainment.
God thought to give the sweetest thing
In his Almighty power
To earth; and deeply pondering
What it shout be, one hour
In fondest joy and love of heat
Out weighing every other
He moved the gates of heaven apart
And gave to earth – a Mother.
Mae Lydia Wood Seeley was born at Sand Springs, Iowa, July 18, 1868 and died at her home in Greeley, May 15, 1932 at the age of 63 years.
She was the daughter of Frank Wood and Lydia Crocker and was of a family of four, two of whom are living, Frank Wood, La Grande, Ore. and Mrs. Julia Leavens, Waverly, Iowa. One brother, Charles Wood died at Sand Springs. She was married to H.E. Seeley, at Sand Springs in 1889. Here all her family with the exception of the youngest daughter were born. Here, when a young girl she joined the Methodist church.
In 1901 she with her husband and family moved to Greeley and with the exception of a few years at Arlington, Olin and Hawkeye, where her husband was employed as station agent of the C.M. & St. Paul Ry., she has spent the rest of her life.
She was a member of Maple Rebekah Lodge at Greeley.
Beside the husband, five children are left to mourn the loss of a real mother., Frank of Mason City; Mrs. Bessie Gage, Greeley; George, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Hazel Ainsworth, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Dorothy Rawson, Chicago. On daughter died in infancy. There are also 15 grand children and with the sister, all the children were present at her beside in her last hours.
Rev. Nothdurft, of Colesburg, a former pastor, whom she greatly liked when they lived in Hawkeye, conducted the services in the family home. He was assisted by Rev. Turner of Greeley.
Thus her last hours here on earth were fittingly passed in the home which she so dearly loved, exchanged only for the heavenly home. A fine woman, a devoted mother, a good neighbor, no greater tribute can be given.
The casket bearers were the three son-in-laws, W.A. Gage, V.S. Rawson and R.L. Ainsworth, three grandsons, Robert Gage, Craig Seeley and Clyde Seeley.
Mrs. F.B. Wilson of Manchester sang the solos.
Burial was made in Grant View Cemetery where she had expressed a desire as her last resting place.
The floral offerings were beautiful and were mute expressions of respect for a life well lived.
Undated obit from the Manchester Iowa Press, donated to SGS by William Strathman
[Wife of son of SGS #2150 - Harry; Erwin (#2150) ; Austin H. (#742); Ajacks; Austin; Nehemiah; Robert; Nathaniel; Robert]