Mrs. Margaret Seeley, resident of this city for many years, died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Andrew W. Walther, 80 Main Avenue, Wynantskill. Although Mrs. Seeley had been in poor health for some time, her death was unexpected. She was the widow of Frank J. Seeley. Born in the Town of Sand Lake, she resided in Troy for many years, going to Wynantskill to live with her daughter six years ago. She was a member of the Pawling Avenue Methodist Church and was active in the affairs of the church and in the Ladies’ Aid Society of the church, of which she was a member. Survivors, besides her daughter, Mrs. Walther, include three sons, John L. and Frank J. Seeley of Troy and Charles E. Seeley of Vallejo, Cal.; two sisters, Mrs. Alta Miller of West Sand Lake and Mrs. Daisy Coons of West Stephentown, 13 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from Mrs. Walther’s home with Rev. Albert Parker, pastor of the Pawling Avenue Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Sand Lake Union Cemetery.
Published in The Times Record (Troy, NY), Wednesday, February 27, 1952, page 20
Funeral of Mrs. Seeley
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Seeley was conducted at 2 p.m. yesterday from the home, 80 Main Avenue, with Rev. Albert D. Parker of the Pawling Avenue Methodist Church officiating. The bearers were Albert Laundry, Edward Woodin, Edward Witbeck, Frank Welch, Thomas Cain, and Eugene Ryemiller. Interment was in Sand Lake Union Cemetery.
Published in The Troy Record (Troy, NY), Saturday, March 1, 1952, page 16
The family of the late Mrs. Margaret Seeley wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors, friends, bearers, and Wynantskill Volunteer Association for the cards, food, flowers, loan of cars and expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement.
Published in The Troy Record (Troy, NY), Wednesday, March 5, 1952, page 11
In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. Margaret Seeley, who passed away one year ago today, Feb. 26, 1952.
A silent thought, a secret tear.
Keeps her memory ever dear.
Published in The Times Record (Troy, NY), Thursday, February 26, 1953, page 21