Mrs. Seeley, of Wakeman, Passes Away at Her Daughter’s Home in Norwalk.
After an illness of about five weeks Mrs. Martha J. Seeley, widow of the late Edward Seeley, who was a well known resident of Wakeman, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sidney A. Stoutenburg, No. 1 Manahan avenue, Tuesday morning, July 5, at 11:30 o’clock.
Mrs. Seeley was brought to Norwalk several weeks ago, soon after she was taken ill, and though every attention was given her and every effort made to restore her to health she gradually grew worse and for the past few days had been rapidly failing.
The deceased, who was a loving and companionable lady, is survived by seven children – Mrs. Wm. Riggs and Mrs. Stoutenburg of this city; Mrs. C.A. Moon, of Glenville, O.; Mrs. M.D. Riggs, of Collins; J.W. Seeley, of Milan; J.E. Seeley, of Wakeman, and M.L. Seeley, of Townsend. Her husband died in Collins there years ago last February.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, probably from the Stoutenburg home on Manahan avenue. The interment will be at Woodlawn cemetery.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, July 5, 1904 (Ohio) page 6

The funeral of Mrs. Martha J. Seeley will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30, from the residence of S.A. Stoutenburg, No. 1 Manahan avenue.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, (Ohio) July 6, 1904

At 1:30 o’clock Thursday afternoon there was a large gathering of relatives and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Stoutenburg, No. 1 Manahan avenue, where the last sad rites were held over all that was mortal of a beloved mother – the late Mrs. Martha J. Seeley, whose death at this home occurred Tuesday morning.
The services, which were unusually impressive ,were conducted by Rev. H.S. Powell, assisted by Rev. J.A. Thome, both of this city, and music appropriate to such an occasion was most sweetly rendered by Mrs. F.E. Wilcox and Mrs. John Parker.
Many were the beautiful floral tokens contributed by sorrowing friends and which spoke in a silent way of the love and sympathy which could best be expressed in that manner.
At the conclusion of the services the remains were tenderly borne to Woodlawn cemetery for interment, the sons and sons-in-law of the deceased bearing the casket to its last resting place.
Among those who came from out of town to attend the funeral were Mrs. Cassius Miller and Mrs. T. Palmer, of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Seeley, Ned Seeley and family, Mrs. Wooden, Mrs. W.H. Pease and Mrs. Ralph Fox, of Wakeman; Mr. and MRs. M.D. Riggs, of Collins, and M.L. Seeley and family, of Townsend.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, (Ohio) July 7, 1904 page 7

Mrs. Seeley, who was for many years one of our most esteemed citizens, was buried Thursday in Woodlawn cemetery.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, (Ohio), July 8, 1904 page 8