Mrs. F.L. Seeley, wife of Frederick L. Seeley, Esq., our former townsmen, was stricken down with paralysis last Sunday at her home in Bradford. He condition continues very critical. Mrs. Oliver Keese is a sister of Mrs. Seeley. It will be remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Seeley removed to Bradford from this city something over two years ago. That city has since been their home with the exception of a short residence in New York. Mrs. Seeley has many warm friends here, who will be shocked to hear of her sudden illness.
Published in the Titusville Herald, February 4, 1983, page 4
Mrs. Martha Seeley
We are unhappily called upon this morning to notice the death of a lady well known to most of our readers – Mrs. Martha Seeley, the beloved wife of Frederick L. Seeley, Esq. of Bradford, Pa. Her demise took place on Thursday of this week at 10 p.m. after a short illness. Mrs. Seeley was born at Pittsfield, Mass., on Feb. 11, 1925, and moved with her family to Keeseville, N.Y., when she was but 7 years old. She was married at the last named place in the fall of 1848 and came to Titusville in 1864, where for many years she resided. She was a communicant and active worker in the Episcopal church and possessed a good deal of executive ability, coupled with an amount of earnestness and enthusiasm which rendered certain the success of any enterprise in which she was engaged. She was a loving wife and a most devoted mother, besides naturally endearing herself to a large circle of friends by her king, thoughtful ways and generous actions. Sadly will she be missed both in the church and in the world, her warm sympathetic heart can no longer respond to the claims of charity and affection. All that is left for us to do is to cherish her memory and try to copy her life of usefulness and unselfishness. Her very presence was cheering, and her merry laugh and cordial hospitality made you feel at home in her society and wish that there were more like her to lift the cares and sweeten the sorrows of life’s changeful path.
To all of her dear relations and intimate friends we tender our sincere sympathies and bid them not sorrow as those who have no hop: “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.”
The funeral services will be held at Bradford, and the remains will be brought here for interment on the 3:47 o’clock train this afternoon. On its arrival the sad cortege will move directly to Woodlawn cemetery.
Published in the Titusville Herald, February 11, 1893, page 4
[Wife of SGS # 3969 – Frederick Lorenzo; Frederick; Joseph; Eliphalet; Eliphalet; Jonas; Obadiah]