SEELEY – At the home of her daughter, Mrs. G.W. Clark, of Knoxville, at the ripe age of ninety-two years and eight months, Mrs. Mary Seeley, widow of Eleazer Seeley, passed to her heavenly home on Nov. 12, 1891. She was the daughter of the Rev. Samuel Conant, who for many years supplied charges in Genesee Conference. She was for more than eighty-one years a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her house was the home of the pioneers of Methodism in this region, and to the very last she delighter to tell of the hardships and labors of the heroic men who planted our Church in these beautiful valleys. When past ninety she would walk over a mile to church, and until crippled by a fall some months ago her strength and activity were truly wonderful. She was always a great worker and brought up eleven children of her own and one adopted son, all of whom were heads of families before any death occurred among them. Her sufferings were severe, but borne in great patience, and her faith in Christ was clear and bright to the last.
Published in the Northern Christian Advocate, February 20, 1895 page 15
[Wife of SGS # 924 – Eleazer (#924); Ebenezer, Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]