Mrs. Mayme J.S. Seeley, saleswoman for John Stoecher’s Sons, jewelers, died at her home, 201 North Salina Street, yesterday afternoon. She was a native of Syracuse. Mrs. Seeley was the widow of Thomas Seeley. Surviving are a daughters, Mrs. Clinton Swartz of Downers Grove, Ill (Note: only one daughter listed); a brother, Charles E. Stoecker, and two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Steates of Brooklyn and Miss Louise Stoecker of Syracuse. Funeral services will be held from the rooms of Traugoss, Lohman & Frasier, funeral directors, at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Published in the Syracuse Herald, Saturday, December 7, 1935, page 15
Three Kin Share in Seeley Estate
Two daughters and a grandson of Mrs. Mayme Stoecker Seeley share her estate of undetermined value under the terms of her will which was filed for probate with Surrogate John W. Sadler on Saturday. The will was offered for probate by Melvin & Melvin.
The will, executed on Feb. 25, 1927 gives one daughter, Mrs. Dorothy S. Swartz of Grove, Ill., interest of her mother in property at 201 North Salina Street, a vacant lot in James Street Terrace, her mother’s interest on any mortgage against the John Stoecker & Sons, a diamond brooch and half interest in a mortgage on property at 713 Clarendon Street.
The other daughter, Mrs. Inez S.W. Frazee of Middletown, is given stocks, articles of jewelry and one-half interest in mortgage on property at 713 Clarendon Street. The grandson, William C. Swartz, is given two shares of stock of the City Bank Trust Company. The daughters share the residue of the estate.
Published in The Syracuse Herald, Sunday, December 22, 1935, page 6-C