Morton C. Seeley
The death, in the prime of life, of this highly esteemed citizen of North Amherst, announced last week, requires more than a passing notice.
In early life he commenced preparing himself for the medical profession, but was compelled to relinquish his design in order to aid his father, who by endorsement for others jeopardized all his earthly possessions. In 1849 he married Miss Sophia Onstine, and removed to Wisconsin; but the gold fever opened a way for him to accumulate wealth, and sending his wife back to her father’s home in Amherst, he went to California, where he worked for twelve long years, and then returned to his loved family with a competence of worldly goods, to spend the remainder of his days in peace and plenty. There was no happier home than his until the fearful disease which terminated his life claimed him as its victim.
Until within a day or two of his death, he was a great sufferer, yet not a word of complaint ever was heard from him, but the writhing of his body, and the motion of the muscles told more plainly the pain he endured. Death to him was a great relief and he met it like a man.
Our acquaintance with him commenced after his return from the West. We found him a very intelligent and intellectual man. He had read much, and thought more. A good conversationalist, few were the subjects upon which he could not contribute his full share of information to the general fund, and as we learned more of the incidents of his life, we felt that we were in the presence of a great and living romance.
“Absent or dead, still let a friend be dear,”
A sigh the absent claims, the dead a tear.”
The obsequies of the late M.C. Seeley were attended on Wednesday last at his late dwelling, by a large gathering of relatives and friends, who were desirous of showing their last sad tribute of respect for the dead, and their heartfelt sympathy for his bereaved widow and son.
Published in The Elyria Republican, Thursday November 15, 1883 front page
[SGS # 2849 – Morton C. (#2849); Eli Lewis (# 1133); Eli; David; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]