SEELEY, MYLES O., 80, of Tampa, died Sunday (Dec. 3, 2000) in Tampa. Born in Flint, Mich., he came here 55 years ago from Petoskey, Mich. He was retired from the Hillsborough County schools after 27 years of service, he was an Army veteran and a member of Castle Heights Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, David M., Clearfield, Pa., and Gary Michael Seeley, Odessa; three daughters, Joan M. Babb, Land O'Lakes, Jane M. Dormany, Tampa, and Jean M. Adum, Plant City; a sister, Elda Dennis, Coldwater, Mich.; 16 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Blount, Curry & Roel Funeral Homes & Cemeteries, Nebraska Chapel, Tampa.
Published in the St. Petersburg Times (FL) - December 5, 2000