Myron Seeley Of Wilmington
Myron Seeley of Wilmington, a highly respected resident of that community, died at his home Sunday, aged about 50 years. Mr. Seeley, who had spent his entire life in Wilmington, was the son of the late Herbert and Frances Seeley. He was never married and had since the death of his brother made his home with his sister-in-law and her three children. He had been afflicted with heart trouble for a long time and finally terminated in his death.
Published in The Adirondack Record, Au Sable Forks, N.Y., January 26, 1933
HASTELTON – Myron Seeley died at his home in this town on Sunday evening. The funeral was held Tuesday morning from his late home. Interment in Haselton cemetery. Mr. Seeley never married. He leaves a nephew, two nieces and numerous other relatives to mourn his loss.
Published in The Adirondack Record, Au Sable Forks, N.Y., January 26, 1933
[Grandson of SGS # 2867 - Myron Eugene; Herbert; Myron S. (# 2867); Bradley Demington (# 1144); Seth Clarke/Clark; Seth; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]