Errors in notice reported to C-T
WELLINGTON – Mrs. Boyd McConnell, RD 3, Wellington, reported that errors were made in the story of the death of her father Orville J. Seeley last week.
According to information received at the newspaper Mr. Seeley’s uncle, Charles L. Seeley, was listed as a brother. Two other typographical errors made Mr. Seeley’s widow’s name Mary instead of Mae and Mrs. Boyd McConnell to read Bloyd McConnell.
The Chronicle Telegram regrets the errors.
Published in the Chronicle Telegram, November 27, 1962

WELLINGTON – Orville J. Seeley, 78, died at 7 a.m. today in his home, 510 West Herrick Ave.
Mr. Seeley was born in Wellington, June 20, 1884. He operated the Seeley Grocery Store on West Herrick Ave. for 13 years, retiring in 1937 and was a fireman at the Wellington Light Plant for seven years.
He was a member of the First Methodist Church; of Wellington Masonic Lodge F. and A.M. 127, which he served as master in 1944-45; of the Royal Arch Masons No. 109; and of the Order of Eastern Star Chapter 103, of which he was worthy patron for three terms.
Surviving are his wife, Mary; a daughter, Mrs. Bloyd McConnell, Wellington; a son Charles, Welling; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren; a brother, Charles L., Wellington, and a sister, Mrs. Grace Jones, Pemberville.
Services will be Friday at 2 p.m. in the Norton Funeral Home with the Rev. Edward Griffith, pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating and burial will be in Clarksfield Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. tomorrow. Masonic services will be Thursday at 8 p.m. in the funeral home.
Published in the Chronicle Telegram, November 20, 1962 page 18
[Great-Great-Grandson of SGS #1993 - Orville J.; Wesley A.; George Delwin; Jessie; David (#1993); Jessie (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]