Orville Milton Seeley was born February 10, 1920, in Sioux Valley township, Union county, S.D. He was received into communion of Christ and His church by baptism the 13th day of June, 1920. This spiritual life, kindled in baptism, has since been nurtured through the means of Grace.
Orville was a member of the Union Creek Sunday school. Here he received the knowledge which makes us wise unto Salvation. Here he heard about the love of God, that He gave His only Son, and that Jesus came save that which was lost.
Orville was a cheerful boy, full of life and vigor. Judging from the outward appearance, he had a bright future before him. He was a little sunbeam in the home, thus bringing a great deal of joy to the family. Undoubtedly they looked forward to a bright future for their son.
Orville was well thought of by his little playmates, as well as by his little schoolmates, who will greatly miss him.
He passed away Monday evening January 27, 1930, at the Akron hospital, at the age of 9 years, 11 months and 17 days. His death was caused by an accident the previous Sunday afternoon at his home. He was immediately brought to the Akron hospital, where he received the best medical attention, but nothing could be done to hinder death.
His passing away has left a deep shadow over the hearts of his friends, who will ever cherish the memory of his loyal life. Orville is mourned by his beloved father and mother, two sisters, Vera and Lorine, and one brother, Eldon, and many relatives and friends.
The funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon at the Union Creek church, with Rev. D.J. Edward officiating. Acting as pallbearers were his schoolmates, the active pallbearers being Lloyd Johnson, Kenneth Hultgren, Floyd Wilcox, Clayton Manning, Harold Peck and Harlan Bradley, and the honorary pallbearers were Alvin Sommervold, Ralph Stinehart, Lloyd Tripp, Glen Butcher, Kerwyn Bradley and Russell Hultgren. Interment was made in the Union Creek cemetery.
Published in the Akron Register Tribune, February 6, 1930 page 5
[Great-grandson of SGS #3342 – Orville Milton; Lester Monroe; Ashley; Stephen (#3342); Jacob (#1494); John Nichols; Samuel; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]