Officers Probe Death Of Worker Beaten By Thugs
Victim Was Unable to Tell Clearly What Had Happened to Him
Perry F. Seeley, 47, of 1813 Montana avenue, welfare worker believed to have been beaten by robbers last Thursday night, died early today in Hurley hospital.
Police, who began an investigation of the supposed slaying, expected an autopsy ordered by Dr. Frank D. Johnson, coroner, to determine whether Seeley's death resulted from an assault.
Seeley, father of six children, was unable to tell clearly what had happened to him when he reached home Thursday night. He appeared to have been injured seriously. Later he became delirious. He was taken to Hurley hospital Saturday night.
He had been paid Thursday. He was without his coat and had lost $10 or $12 that night. He did not wish to make a complaint, however, and police were not notified until Saturday night.
Mrs. Selma Drake, 6904 Branch road, his daughter, said he might have been slugged in the vicinity of Horton avenue and the Pierson road. Police obtained other information about the assault which they did not disclose.
Capt. Edward S. Tewhey assigned Detective Sgt. G.A. Hawkins and Detective J. Earl Poultney to investigate the death.
The autopsy was being performed early this afternoon at the Groves & Co. funeral home.
Funeral services will be held at 1:30 pm Wednesday at the Groves & Company funeral home, followed by burial in the Smith Hill cemetery in Otisville.
Besides Mrs. Drake, Mr. Seeley is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harvey Craig, of Battle Creek, and Louise Seeley, 6, living at home; three sons, Paul, 16, Carlos, 12 and Robert, 4; two brothers, Carlos of Flint and Elmer of Erie, Mich.; four sisters, Mrs. Phillip Carrigan and Mrs. Charles Warren of Flint, Mrs. Claud Miller of Benton Harbor and Mrs. Clyde Thatcher of Fostoria, and one grandson.
Seeley, who formerly lived on a farm near Otisville and formerly was a factory employee here, was born in Otisville Aug. 15, 1886, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seeley. He had spent all his life in Genesee county.
Published in The Flint Journal, June 18, 1934
[Great-grandson of SGS #1975 - Perry Fernando; Eugene M.; Judson; Stephen J. (#1975); Stephen; Hezekiah; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]