Pfc. Seeley Rites
BOSCOBEL – Services for Pfc. Philip Seeley, 20, whose body is expected to arrive in Boscobel from Korea Saturday morning, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Methodist church.
The Rev. James A. Vincent will officiate. Burial will be in Boscobel cemetery, where military rites will be conducted by the Blake-Semrad American Legion post.
Pfc. Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seeley, Boscobel was killed in action in Korea Nov. 2, 1952. He was graduated from Boscobel high school, enlisted in the Marine in the Marine Corps in October, 1951, and went overseas in the spring of 1952.
Survivors include his parents: two brothers, James and Charles Jr., at home, and his grandmother, Mrs. James Seeley, Wauzeka.
Published in the Wisconsin State Journal, (Madison, WI) Friday June 26, 1953 page 4
His Veterans Record
[Great-great-grandson of SGS # 3439 - Philip White; Charles; James F.; Daniel F.; Cornelius (#3439); Daniel (#1554); David; Charles; Samuel; Jonas; Obadiah]