HOLD MEMORIAL – Memorial services for Pfc Robert S. Seeley were held Sunday, December 24th at the Williamsburg Methodist Church, of which he was an active member until his induction into the U.S. Army. He graduated from the Williamsburg High School in 1940, and had three years at Central Teacher’s College. He enlisted in the army in July, 1942 and entered training on June 26, 1943 at Camp Crott, S.C. After completing his basic training he attended the University of Delaware for six months under A.S.T.P. He was then transferred to Camp Carson, Colorado, where he remained five months. Late in August he left for overseas and served in France, Belgium and Holland and was with the Canadian First Army in the drive for the Maas river. His division was then transferred to the American First Army where he remained until he was wounded Nov. 27th. He was taken to a hospital in England where he died December 6th. He leaves his wife, Margaret and infant son Bobby, of 423 West Eleventh street, Traverse City, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Seeley and a brother, Everett, of Williamsburg, and a sister, Mrs. Ellsworth Van Stee, of Midland, Mich.
Published in the Record-Eagle, (Traverse City, MI) Saturday December 30, 1944 page 3
[Great-great-grandson of SGS #1993 – Robert S.; Damon Lorenzo; Wendell Emery; Samuel Brown; Jesse; David (#1993); Jesse (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]