Satie Bush Seeley


Satie Bush Seeley, wife of Harry Seeley, died April 12, at her home near Academy Corners. She suffered a shock several months ago. She is survived by her husband and one sister, Mrs. S.L. Ludlam. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Rev. O.B. Willi, pastor of the Knoxville Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Seeley was a member, officiating; interment in the Riverside cemetery at Knoxville.

Published in The Wellsboro Agitator, (Wellsboro, PA) April 21, 1926 page 3

[Wife of Grandson of SGS # 2549 – Harry William; Frank Adelbert; Ebenezer (#2549); Alanson (#923); Ebenezer, Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]

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