Dies Thursday Night at His Home on Cortland Street
After an illness of ten weeks Talmage L. Seeley, whose home was with his son, Conductor Albert J. Seeley, at 28 Cortland street, died at 8:10 o’clock Thursday evening, of pneumonia.
Mr. Seeley, who was an uncle of our well known townsman, Dr. T.S. Seeley, was a member of a very prominent and influential family of Schoharie county, New York. He was one of twelve children – nine sons and three daughters. He was born March 21st, 1828, at Carlisle, Schoharie county, N.Y. Besides his son Albert, of this city, he leaves another son, Frank, and a daughter, Mrs. A.J. Allen, of Fort Plains, N.Y., also one brother, John Seeley, who is a resident of Westerville, Ohio.
The deceased was a member of a Presbyterian church in New York state. He was a man of bright intellect, with a mind well store from much reading, and was well informed on all the current events of the day. As a father he was kind, loving and indulgent and his taking away has left a deep void which will be hard to fill.
The funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon from the Seeley home on Cortland street, the interment to be made at Woodlawn cemetery.
Published in the Norwalk Daily Reflector, (Ohio) January 13, 1905 page 6
[Son of SGS # 1993 - Talmage L.; David (#1993); Jesse (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]