Succumbs to Pneumonia; Hold Funeral Today
NORWALK, Nov. 23 – (Special) – Dr. Thomas Sweetman Seeley died at his home, 100 West Main st., Sunday morning after a short illness of pneumonia.
He was born at Litchfield, Medina Co. O., Oct. 4, 1843 and studied dentistry at the Pennsylvania college of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa.
In 1889 he came from Plymouth to Norwalk and has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession for over 50 years.
He was a member of the First Presbyterian church, and affiliated with Mr. Vernon lodge, F. & A.M.; Huron chapter, R.A.M.; Norwalk council, R.& S.M.
On June 6, 1867 he was married to Mary Ann Holbrook, who with five children, L.S. Seeley, D.D.S., of Grantwood, N.J.; F.N. Seeley, D.D.S., of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. F.E. Sidwell, Mrs. F.W. Cook and Geraldine Seeley of this city survive.
The funeral services will be held at the late residence at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Afterward the remains will be cremated and the ashes will be buried in the cemetery at Litchfield.
Although 82 years of age, Dr. Seeley was still young in spirit and walked along as briskly as a man of half his age.
Published in the Sandusky Register, (Ohio) November 24, 1925 page 2

Mrs. Johnson Gets News of Her Brother’s Death
Mrs. Charles Johnson of 809 Dexter street has received word of the death of her brother, Dr. Thomas F. Seeley of Norwalk, O.
Dr. Seeley, who was 83 years of age, visited Mrs. Johnson in the fall on his return from attending the National Grand Army encampment, held at Grand Rapids. He was in his usual health at that time and happy over the experiences of his meeting with old comrades of the Civil war, of which he was a veteran.
Dr. Seeley, a dentist, attended to the duties of his office notwithstanding his advanced age. It was an attack of pneumonia which caused his death.
Mrs. Johnson will be unable to attend the funeral services for her brother, which are to be held tomorrow afternoon, but a message from her son, Charles Serage of Chicago, states that he and his wife and son and their nephew, Ralph Serage Umstot, will be present.
Published in the Ludington Daily News, November 23, 1925 front page
[Grandson of SGS #1993 - Thomas Sweetman; Thomas Sweetman; David (#1993); Jesse (#620); Samuel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]