Warren Seeley, aged 44 years, died Saturday in the government hospital at Hampton, Va., after a long illness. A world war veteran, he was gassed while overseas. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Troy; I.O.O.F., Troy; American Legion Mansfield and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Detroit, Michigan.
Published in The Wellsboro Agitator, Wednesday, October 5, 1938 page 7
Warren Seeley – October 1, 1938 – Hampton Roads, VA
Aged 44 and a former Troy resident died Saturday, October 1st, in the U. S. Government Hospital, Hampton Roads, Va. Mr. Seeley was employed here for a time in the condensery and Mrs. Seeley, the former Emma Canfield, was a clerk in the Harry S. Mitchell furniture store. He was a foster son of the late James and Sarah Baxter Seeley, Elkland. He served in the U. S. Army with the Pershing punitive expedition into Mexico and was gassed in the World War. While in Troy, he was a member of Brooks-Flick Post, No. 49, American Legion. After leaving Troy, he operated a general store in Austinville for some time.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Emma Canfield Seeley, whom he married Jan. 1, 1921: five children, Helen, Harold, Alice, Ann, and Richard; his mother and a sister, Mrs. Harry Williams, of Elkland. Prayer service was held Wednesday at 3 p. m. at the Besley cemetery, Columbia Cross Roads. The Rev. Charles N. Ouderkirk, Pastor of the Mansfield Methodist Church, officiated. Austin-Cox Post, American Legion of Mansfield had charge of the service at the grave. Several local Legion members attended.
Published in unidentified and undated obituary donated to the Seeley Genealogical Society