Dr. W.T. Seeley Dies Suddenly
Warwick. Oct. 16 – Dr. Whitfield Timlow Seeley entered into eternal rest on Friday morning, Oct. 10, 1919, in usual health he attended his patients on Thursday and died early on Friday morning almost without a struggle. Dr. W.T. Seeley was born at Amity, June 21, 1848, the son of Dr. Henry C. Seeley and Almeda Timlow Seeley. In early life he became a member of the Amity Presbyterian Church, of which his father was an elder, and was always interested in the welfare of the church and community. After completing his medical education, he began the practice of medicine with his father at Amity, and after his father’s death continued ministering to the people among whom he had grown up until March, 1906, when he removed to Warwick, and began the practice of medicine in this village.
He was married May 26, 1880, to Miss Sarah Gulick, of Amity. His wife survives him, with one son and one daughter, Charles Henry Seeley, connected with the office of the Lehigh & Hudson R.R., at Warwick, and Ell Christie Seeley, at home. Also one brother, Prof. William B. Seeley, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Sly, both of Brooklyn.
The funeral services were held at his late home on Monday, Oct. 13, at 1:30 p.m. conducted by his pastor, the Rev. Taber Know of the Reformed Church, assisted by the Rev. Dr. W.M. Pickslay of the Episcopal Church, and the Rev. T. Fitzgerald, of Middletown, a friend and former pastor of Dr. Seeley at Amity. Short addresses were made by his two pastors, who spoke feelingly of Dr. Seeley as a good man.
Dr. Whitfield Timlow Seeley was a most beautiful character, a faithful, loving husband, a devoted father, a friend to all, a man who made the world better by having lived in it. Interment in the Warwick cemetery.
Published in the Middletown Times-Press (Middletown, NY), October 16, 1919, page 10
Warwick, Oct. 16 – Mr. and Mrs. William Seeley and Mrs. Sly of Brooklyn, were in Warwick for the funeral of Dr. W.T. Seeley.
Published in the Middletown Daily Herald (Middletown, NY), October 16, 1919
Letters of administration have been issued to Sarah G. Seeley and C. Henry Seeley, on the estate of W.T. Seeley, who died in Warwick, October 10, 1919. The estate consists of $1,000 personal.
Published in the Middletown Times-Press, October 23, 1919, page 2
[Son of SGS #3666 – Whitfield Timlow; Henry Clark (#3666); Isaac Brewster (#1660); Bazaleel; Bazaleel; Ebenezer, Jonas; Obadiah]