Willa Rowles Seeley



Succumbs to Tuberculosis After Brave Fight for Life

Mrs. Owen Seeley, who was taken to a sanatorium near Bradford about two months ago, died at that institution Wednesday afternoon of tuberculosis.

Mrs. Seeley, up until a few months ago was an apparently robust woman, but the seeds of tuberculosis had been planted in her system and after the disease had developed her recovery was impossible.

Mrs. Seeley’s maiden name was Miss Willa Rowles. She is survived by her husband and one child, a little daughter. One sister also survives.

The body of the young woman will be brought to Clearfield probably tomorrow. Funeral services will be held at the Rowles farm. Interment will be made in the Hillcrest cemetery in this place.

Mrs. Seeley was a most estimable woman, and her death brings sorrow to a wide circle of friends.

Published in The Clearfield Progress, (Clearfield, PA) July 24, 1913

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