SEELEY – In Lakeville, Conn., Aug. 25, W.E. Seeley, 64 Yrs.
He died at his summer home after an illness of only an hour’s duration, death being caused by a paralytic shock. He had been a prominent figure in political and business life for a number of years, and was president of the First National Bank of Bridgeport at the time of his death. He was a close friend of the late President McKinley and at the opening of the latter’s second term was asked to accept the position as treasurer of the United States. He declined it for personal reasons.
Published in The Boston Journal, August 28, 1905, Page 10

William E. Seeley
Lakeville, Conn., Aug. 25 – William E. Seeley of Bridgeport died at his Summer home this afternoon after an illness of only an hour. His death was caused by a paralytic stroke. He had been an active figure in political and business life for a number of years, and was President of the First National Bank of Bridgeport. Mr. Seeley was a close friend of the late President McKinley, and at the opening of the latter’s second term declined the post of United States Treasurer. He was sixty-four years old.
Published in The New York Times, August 26, 1905
[Son of SGS # 2079 - William E.; Seth (# 2079); Samuel O’Dell (# 645); Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]