William Henry Seeley, 46 years old, a deputy sheriff and proprietor of a restaurant at Lakeside, died this morning at 3:15 at his home, 2113 Racine street, following an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Seeley was born in Illinois, and previous to his residence in Racine lived at Muskegon, Mich., where for a number of years he was a member of the city fire department. On coming ti Racine about 10 years ago he engaged in business on State street. At one time he was turnkey at the county jail. There survive him his wife and two daughters, Edna, 16 years of age, and Josephine, 14 years old. He also leaves a sister in Muskegon.
The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 o’clock from Thronson’s chapel.
Published in the Racine Journal-News, (Racine, WI) Friday March 12, 1920 page 7
Funeral of W.H. Seeley – The funeral of William Henry Seeley, deputy sheriff of Racine county, was held this morning at 10 o’clock from Thronson’s chapel. The pall bearers were Mr. Seeley’s associate officers on the sheriff’s force as follows: Sheriff G.C. Lutter, Deputy Sheriffs Charles Jensen, Frank Basinger, Riley Hosier, Homer Heeter and Ralph Kehl. Burial was in Graceland cemetery.
Published in the Racine Journal-News, (Racine, WI) March 15, 1920 page 5
[Son of SGS # 2761 - William Henry; Calvin Oscar (# 2761); Simeon (# 1087); Benjamin; Benjamin; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]