Another long and useful life was ended at 9:30 o’clock Thursday night when the call to the land of eternal rest came to William Seeley, the final summons coming at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Seymour Burke 1208 Cole avenue. He had been ill a week with infirmities and complications.
He was born in French Grant in 1882 and was married to Jamima Burns in 1860. His wife passed away four years ago.
Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Seeley the following surviving: Mrs. John Frederick of Scioto Trail, Mrs. Seymour Burke of Cole avenue, Mrs. Sophia Graff of Vinton avenue, Charles Seeley of Second street, George and Amos Seeley of Haverhill and Asa Seeley of Michigan.
Mr. Seeley had been a farmer most of his life. He came to Portsmouth about fifteen years ago, worked for the Portsmouth Gas company about three years and for the last twelve years had led a retired life. He was widely known in this city and will be greatly missed by his wide circle of friends.
Published in the Portsmouth Daily Times, March 25, 1921 page 19