Ery Burl Seely, age 76, died at his home; Route 1, Grand Valley, at 5 9.m. yesterday, following a year’s illness.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seely and was born at Troy Center January 10, 1867. He was twice married. His first wife was Nellie Brightman and to them were born two children, Ernest G. Seely, Route 1, Titusville, surviving. Following the death of the first wife, he married Pearl Moorehead at Meadville on August 3, 1909. Besides the wife, he leaves the following children by the second marriage: Miss Ula Seely of Youngsville; Mrs. Luella Gilson of Cutlers Corners; Mrs. Louise Stufflebeam, Mrs. John Moronski and Mrs. Bessie Cornell of Grand Valley and Miss Bertena Seely at home. There is a step-daughter, Goldie Beardsley of Garland; a foster son, Junior Brewster, and a brother, Joseph Seely of Westfield, N.Y.
The body will be taken from the Tracy funeral home today to the home of Mrs. John Moronski, Route 1, Grand Valley. Services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, the place to be announced Monday.
Published in the Titusville Herald, October 9, 1943 page 7
We wish to thank all of our kind neighbors and friends for their kindness during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, Ery Burl Seely. We especially thank those who furnished cars or helped in anyway. We thank Rev. John Murray for his words of comfort.
Mrs. Pearl Seely & Bertena
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gilson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stufflebeam, and Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Moronski
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Cornell, Jr., and son
Junior Brewster and Bennie Watson
Published in the Titusville Herald, October 20, 1943, page 3
[Lineage – Ery Burl; William Arthur; Alva; Samuel; Unknown]