SEELY – Henrietta Aldridge Seely, daughter of R.E. Aldridge, died at her home in the town of Onondaga, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1890, at the age of fifty-one years. She was born and married in that town. She walked lovingly with her husband twenty-six years. He survives her. She was soundly converted at the age of eighteen, and lived a devoted life until the Master said, “It is enough, come up higher”. She leaves two estimable daughters, Mamie and Ida, grown to womanhood, who mourn but expect to meet her in that land where there is no death. She was an invalid six long years, suffering without murmur or complaint, ever exhibiting to the world the power and beauty of divine grace that supported her. The large company that gathered at her funeral bore testimony to her moral worth and their great sorry. H. HOFFMIRE.
Published in the Northern Christian Advocate, November 21, 1894