June 10. – The funeral of Mrs. John G. Seely, held at her late home about two miles north of the village this afternoon, was largely attended by relatives and neighbors. The services were in charge of the family pastor, Rev. J.S.E. Erskine, of the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, who chose for his address, St. John 14-18: “I will not leave you comfortless, for I will come to you.” At the close of the sermon Rev. R.M. Roberts, of the Methodist Church of this place, which Mrs. Seely frequently attended, offered consolation to the bereaved husband and family, paying a high tribute to Mrs. Seely. A quartet consisting of Rev. J.S.E. Erskine, Mrs. E.C. Tolles, Miss Ruth Dickerson and Mrs. Henry J. Van Kenren, sang several appropriate selections. The casket was laden with a profusion of flowers. The pallbearers, neighbors of Mrs. Seely, were James Bell, G. Frank Anderson, Samuel J. Anderson, Edward Scott, G.F. Seybolt and Frank B. Dickerson. It is a strange coincidence that just one week previous to the death of Mrs. Seely, she accompanied her husband to the cemetery of New Prospect Church and selected a plot.
Published in the Middletown Daily Times-Press (Middletown, NY), Friday, June 11, 1909, page 5